
dcb pfc
interface 25GE1/0/10
 description Host-01
 port link-type trunk
 undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 125
 stp edged-port enable
 lldp tlv-enable dcbx
 dcb pfc enable mode manual
interface 25GE1/0/12
 description Host-02
 port link-type trunk
 undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 125
 stp edged-port enable
 lldp tlv-enable dcbx
 dcb pfc enable mode manual
lldp enable


[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8a:00.1 query|grep -iE "dcb|lldp"
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P1                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P2                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)             

[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8b:00.0 query|grep -iE "dcb|lldp"
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P1                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P2                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)       

发现LLDP没有启动,启用LLDP和DCBx,DCBx IEEE已启用。

[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8a:00.1 set LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2=1 LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2=2 LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2=2 DCBX_WILLING_P2=1 DCBX_IEEE_P2=1 

Device #1:

Device type:        ConnectX5           
Name:               MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx   
Description:        ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
Device:             0000:8a:00.1        

Configurations:                                          Next Boot       New
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             False(0)             True(1)             
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)               ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)               ALL(2)              
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)              True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)              True(1)             

 Apply new Configuration? (y/n) [n] : y
Applying... Done!
-I- Please reboot machine to load new configurations.

[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8b:00.0 set LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1=1 LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1=2 LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1=2 DCBX_WILLING_P1=1 DCBX_IEEE_P1=1 

Device #1:

Device type:        ConnectX5           
Name:               MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx   
Description:        ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
Device:             0000:8b:00.0        

Configurations:                                          Next Boot       New
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             False(0)             True(1)             
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)               ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)               ALL(2)              
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)              True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)              True(1)             

 Apply new Configuration? (y/n) [n] : y
Applying... Done!
-I- Please reboot machine to load new configurations.


[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8a:00.1 query|grep -iE "dcb|lldp"
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             True(1)             
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          ALL(2)              
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P1                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P2                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)             
[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8b:00.0 query|grep -iE "dcb|lldp"
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             True(1)             
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P1                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P2                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)             

查看网卡的DCB状态,模式为IEEE,PFC已启用且优先级为3(0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)

[root@2288Hv6-05:~] esxcli network nic dcb status get -n vmnic3
   Nic Name: vmnic3
   Mode: 3 - IEEE Mode
   Enabled: true
         Priority Group: true
         Priority Flow Control: true
         PG Traffic Classes: 8
         PFC Traffic Classes: 8
   PFC Enabled: true
   PFC Configuration: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
   IEEE ETS Configuration: 
         Willing Bit In ETS Config TLV: 1
         Supported Capacity: 8
         Credit Based Shaper ETS Algorithm Supported: 0x0
         TX Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         RX Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         TSA Assignment Table Per TC: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
         Priority Assignment Per TC: 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
         Recommended TC Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         Recommended TSA Assignment Per TC: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
         Recommended Priority Assignment Per TC: 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
   IEEE PFC Configuration: 
         Number Of Traffic Classes: 8
         PFC Configuration: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
         Macsec Bypass Capability Is Enabled: 0
         Round Trip Propagation Delay Of Link: 0
         Sent PFC Frames: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         Received PFC Frames: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   DCB Apps: 
[root@2288Hv6-05:~] esxcli network nic dcb status get -n vmnic4
   Nic Name: vmnic4
   Mode: 3 - IEEE Mode
   Enabled: true
         Priority Group: true
         Priority Flow Control: true
         PG Traffic Classes: 8
         PFC Traffic Classes: 8
   PFC Enabled: true
   PFC Configuration: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
   IEEE ETS Configuration: 
         Willing Bit In ETS Config TLV: 1
         Supported Capacity: 8
         Credit Based Shaper ETS Algorithm Supported: 0x0
         TX Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         RX Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         TSA Assignment Table Per TC: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
         Priority Assignment Per TC: 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
         Recommended TC Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         Recommended TSA Assignment Per TC: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
         Recommended Priority Assignment Per TC: 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
   IEEE PFC Configuration: 
         Number Of Traffic Classes: 8
         PFC Configuration: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
         Macsec Bypass Capability Is Enabled: 0
         Round Trip Propagation Delay Of Link: 0
         Sent PFC Frames: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         Received PFC Frames: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   DCB Apps: 

ESXi 升级 Mellanox 网卡固件

NVMe over RoCE 对RoCE网卡的固件兼容性有较高要求

  • 打开ESXi的SSH并进入维护模式,远程登录ESXi主机
  • 用 esxcfg-nics -l 查看网卡列表,用 esxcli network nic get -n 查看网卡驱动和固件版本
[root@yaoge123:~] esxcfg-nics -l
Name    PCI          Driver      Link Speed      Duplex MAC Address       MTU    Description                   
vmnic0  0000:19:00.0 igbn        Up   1000Mbps   Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection
vmnic1  0000:19:00.1 igbn        Up   1000Mbps   Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection
vmnic2  0000:8a:00.0 nmlx5_core  Up   25000Mbps  Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Mellanox Technologies ConnectX-5 EN NIC; 10/25GbE; dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; (MCX512A-ACU)
vmnic3  0000:8a:00.1 nmlx5_core  Up   25000Mbps  Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Mellanox Technologies ConnectX-5 EN NIC; 10/25GbE; dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; (MCX512A-ACU)
vmnic4  0000:8b:00.0 nmlx5_core  Up   25000Mbps  Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Mellanox Technologies ConnectX-5 EN NIC; 10/25GbE; dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; (MCX512A-ACU)
vmnic5  0000:8b:00.1 nmlx5_core  Up   25000Mbps  Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Mellanox Technologies ConnectX-5 EN NIC; 10/25GbE; dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; (MCX512A-ACU)
[root@yaoge123:~] esxcli network nic get -n vmnic2
   Advertised Auto Negotiation: true
   Advertised Link Modes: Auto, 1000BaseCX-SGMII/Full, 10000BaseKR/Full, 25000BaseTwinax/Full
   Auto Negotiation: true
   Backing DPUId: N/A
   Cable Type: FIBRE
   Current Message Level: -1
   Driver Info: 
         Bus Info: 0000:8a:00:0
         Driver: nmlx5_core
         Firmware Version: 16.32.1010
   Link Detected: true
   Link Status: Up 
   Name: vmnic2
   PHYAddress: 0
   Pause Autonegotiate: false
   Pause RX: true
   Pause TX: true
   Supported Ports: FIBRE, DA
   Supports Auto Negotiation: true
   Supports Pause: true
   Supports Wakeon: false
   Transceiver: internal
   Virtual Address: **:**:**:**:**:**
   Wakeon: None
  • VMware兼容性 搜索该网卡型号查询对应的驱动和固件版本
  • 下载 MFT,选择和ESXi版本匹配的安装包
  • 下载的Mellanox-MFT-Tools_*-package.zip解压,将解压出的.zip文件传至ESXi的/tmp,确认上传的.zip文件内根目录就有index.xml
  • 下载的Mellanox-NATIVE-NMST_*-package.zip解压,将解压出的.zip文件传至ESXi的/tmp,确认上传的.zip文件内根目录就有index.xml
  • 用 esxcli software component apply -d 安装上传的两个.zip,注意要写全路径
[root@yaoge123:/tmp] esxcli software component apply -d /tmp/Mellanox-MFT-Tools_4.26.1.101-1OEM.801.0.0.21495797_22944840.zip 
Installation Result
   Message: Operation finished successfully.
   Components Installed: Mellanox-MFT-Tools_4.26.1.101-1OEM.801.0.0.21495797
   Components Removed: 
   Components Skipped: 
   Reboot Required: false
   DPU Results: 
[root@yaoge123:/tmp] esxcli software component apply -d /tmp/Mellanox-NATIVE-NMST_4.26.1.101-1OEM.801.0.0.21495797_22944879.zip 
Installation Result
   Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
   Components Installed: Mellanox-NATIVE-NMST_4.26.1.101-1OEM.801.0.0.21495797
   Components Removed: 
   Components Skipped: 
   Reboot Required: true
   DPU Results: 
  • 重启ESXi再打开SSH
  • 下载 Firmware ,查找对应网卡的兼容版本固件下载
  • 下载的fw-*.bin.zip解压,将解压出的.bin文件上传至ESXi的/tmp
  • 在/tmp下执行/opt/mellanox/bin/mlxfwmanager,会自动发现新固件文件,然后添加-u升级,如果已有的版本新要降级再加-f强制刷
[root@yaoge123:/tmp] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxfwmanager
Querying Mellanox devices firmware ...

Device #1:

  Device Type:      ConnectX5
  Part Number:      MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx
  Description:      ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
  PSID:             MT_0000000425
  PCI Device Name:  mt4119_pciconf0
  Base GUID:        ***
  Base MAC:         ***
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             16.32.1010     16.34.1002    
     PXE            3.6.0502       3.6.0700      
     UEFI           14.25.0017     14.27.0014    

  Status:           Update required

Device #2:

  Device Type:      ConnectX5
  Part Number:      MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx
  Description:      ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
  PSID:             MT_0000000425
  PCI Device Name:  mt4119_pciconf1
  Base GUID:        ***
  Base MAC:         ***
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             16.32.1010     16.34.1002    
     PXE            3.6.0502       3.6.0700      
     UEFI           14.25.0017     14.27.0014    

  Status:           Update required

Found 2 device(s) requiring firmware update. Please use -u flag to perform the update.

[root@yaoge123:/tmp] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxfwmanager -u
Querying Mellanox devices firmware ...

Device #1:

  Device Type:      ConnectX5
  Part Number:      MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx
  Description:      ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
  PSID:             MT_0000000425
  PCI Device Name:  mt4119_pciconf0
  Base GUID:        ***
  Base MAC:         ***
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             16.32.1010     16.34.1002    
     PXE            3.6.0502       3.6.0700      
     UEFI           14.25.0017     14.27.0014    

  Status:           Update required

Device #2:

  Device Type:      ConnectX5
  Part Number:      MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx
  Description:      ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
  PSID:             MT_0000000425
  PCI Device Name:  mt4119_pciconf1
  Base GUID:        ***
  Base MAC:         ***
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             16.32.1010     16.34.1002    
     PXE            3.6.0502       3.6.0700      
     UEFI           14.25.0017     14.27.0014    

  Status:           Update required

Found 2 device(s) requiring firmware update...

Perform FW update? [y/N]: y
Device #1: Updating FW ...     
Writing Boot image component -   OK                                                                                                                                                              Done
Device #2: Updating FW ...     
Writing Boot image component -   OK                                                                                                                                                              Done

Restart needed for updates to take effect.
  • 重启后再检查网卡的固件版本
[root@yaoge123:~] esxcli network nic get -n vmnic2
   Advertised Auto Negotiation: true
   Advertised Link Modes: Auto, 1000BaseCX-SGMII/Full, 10000BaseKR/Full, 25000BaseTwinax/Full
   Auto Negotiation: true
   Backing DPUId: N/A
   Cable Type: FIBRE
   Current Message Level: -1
   Driver Info: 
         Bus Info: 0000:8a:00:0
         Driver: nmlx5_core
         Firmware Version: 16.34.1002
   Link Detected: true
   Link Status: Up 
   Name: vmnic2
   PHYAddress: 0
   Pause Autonegotiate: false
   Pause RX: true
   Pause TX: true
   Supported Ports: FIBRE, DA
   Supports Auto Negotiation: true
   Supports Pause: true
   Supports Wakeon: false
   Transceiver: internal
   Virtual Address: **:**:**:**:**:**
   Wakeon: None

Veeam 不同备份方式的负载


Method I/O impact on destination storage
Forward incremental 1x write I/O for incremental backup size
Forward incremental, active full 1x write I/O for total full backup size
Forward incremental, transform 2x I/O (1x read, 1x write) for incremental backup size
Forward incremental, synthetic full 2x I/O (1x read, 1x write) for entire backup chain
Reversed incremental 3x I/O (1x read, 2x write) for incremental backup size
Synthetic full with transform to rollbacks 4x I/O (2x read, 2x write) for entire backup chain


Reversed Incremental Backup:每次备份对备份存储的IO压力很大,备份窗口时间长,但是备份空间占用最少,只有一个最新的完整备份。

Forward Incremental Backup:每次备份对备份存储的IO压力最小,备份窗口时间最短,可能会需要额外备份空间存储多个完整备份。
Forever forward incremental Backup:对源存储无压力,如果虚拟机变化很大,合并最后一个增量和完整备份可能压力大,只有一个最老的完整备份。
Synthetic Full Backup:对源存储无压力,对备份存储IO压力较大,因为不是备份过程所以没有备份窗口,一般会保留有多个完整备份。
Transforming Incremental Backup Chains into Reversed Incremental Backup Chains:对源存储无压力,对备份存储IO压力极大,因为不是备份过程所以没有备份窗口,只保留一个完整备份。
Active Full Backup:完全从源存储创建一个完整备份,需要从源读取所有数据,对备份存储是顺序IO写因此压力不大,但是备份窗口时间非常长,对生产系统源存储性能有负面影响,一般会保留有多个完整备份。


VCSA 6.0 升级 6.5


  1. 重置VCSA OS GRUB密码
  2. 重置VCSA OS root密码
  3. 重置administrator@vsphere.local的密码

vCenter Update Manager迁移

VCSA 6.5开始Update Manager被集成到VCSA中,所以需要迁移工具将原来独立的Update Manager迁移到VCSA 6.5中

  1. 如果修改过VCSA的密码,最好重新配置vCenter Update Manager,并重启它
  2. 在vCenter Update Manager上运行迁移工具,保持运行窗口打开状态,迁移完成程序会自动退出
  3. 确保vCenter Update Manager有足够的空余空间,迁移时会打包文件





cd /etc/
rm -rf localtime
ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime

Shockwave Flash crashes

这是Adobe Shockwave Flash version已知的问题,只能升级到更新的版本或者降级到老版本


VMware 迁移步骤






VMware 下 Linux 虚拟机硬盘扩容


  1. VMware编辑虚拟机硬件,扩容硬盘,做快照
  2. echo 1 >/sys/block/sda/device/rescan
  3. parted /dev/sda,resizepart LVM分区
  4. pvresize /dev/sda3,扩充pv,sda3是LVM的分区
  5. pvs,确认pv已扩容
  6. lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/system/root,扩充lv,/dev/system/root是lv的路径,也可能是/dev/mapper/VolGroup-lv_root
  7. vgs确认容量已扩容
  8. 对于XFS:xfs_growfs /dev/mapper/system-root
  9. 对于EXT4:resize2fs /dev/mapper/system-root


比如Intel J1900 四千兆的无风扇迷你电脑,AHCI(Intel Atom Processor E3800 Series SATA AHCI Controller 8086:0f23)不受ESXi支持,因此需要在ESXi的安装包中添加驱动。


  1. 下载安装VMware PowerCLI
  2. 下载ESXi Offline Bundle放到D:\VMware
  3. 从http://www.v-front.de/p/esxi-customizer-ps.html下载ESXi-Customizer-PS放到D:\vm
  4. 从https://vibsdepot.v-front.de/wiki/index.php/Sata-xahci下载sata-xahci Offline Bundle放到D:\vm

启动VMware PowerCLI,执行下面的命令

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CURRENTUSER

重启计算机,再打开VMware PowerCLI

PowerCLI C:\> d:
PowerCLI D:\> cd vm
PowerCLI D:\vm> .\ESXi-Customizer-PS-v2.4.ps1 -v60 -pkgDir d:\vm -log d:\vm\log.txt -izip 'D:\VMware\update-from-esxi6.0-6.0_update02.zip'
Set-ExecutionPolicy Undefined -Scope CURRENTUSER
PowerCLI D:\vm> Set-ExecutionPolicy Undefined -Scope CURRENTUSER



替换 VMware vCenter Server Appliance 5.5 证书

1. 修改主机的IP、域名、主机名符合新证书的要求,将Certificate regeneration enabled改为Yes,Reboot vCenter,再将Certificate regeneration enabled改为No。

2. 停止服务:

service vmware-stsd stop
service vmware-vpxd stop

service vmware-rbd-watchdog stop
rm /var/vmware/vpxd/autodeploy_registered

2. 把证书、私钥、证书链传到ssl/vpxd下面,文件名分别为:证书rui.crt,私钥rui.key,证书链cachain.pem,内容为证书链的逆序文件最后应该为自签名的RootCA,合并证书和证书链

mkdir ssl
mkdir ssl/vpxd
mkdir ssl/inventoryservice
mkdir ssl/logbrowser
mkdir ssl/autodeploy
cd ssl/vpxd
cat rui.crt cachain.pem > chain.pem

3. 替换vpxd证书

cd ssl/vpxd
/usr/sbin/vpxd_servicecfg certificate change chain.pem rui.key

返回VC_CFG_RESULT = 0 表示成功,如果非0请看这里

4. 替换vCenter Inventory Service证书

service vmware-stsd start
cd /etc/vmware-sso/register-hooks.d
./02-inventoryservice --mode uninstall --ls-server https://server.domain.com:7444/lookupservice/sdk
cp ssl/vpxd/* ssl/inventoryservice/
cd ssl/inventoryservice/
openssl pkcs12 -export -out rui.pfx -in chain.pem -inkey rui.key -name rui -passout pass:testpassword
cp rui.key /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/inventoryservice/ssl
cp rui.crt /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/inventoryservice/ssl
cp rui.pfx /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/inventoryservice/ssl
cd /usr/lib/vmware-vpx/inventoryservice/ssl/
chmod 400 rui.key rui.pfx
chmod 644 rui.crt
cd /etc/vmware-sso/register-hooks.d
./02-inventoryservice --mode install --ls-server https://server.domain.com:7444/lookupservice/sdk --user administrator@vSphere.local --password sso_administrator_password
rm /var/vmware/vpxd/inventoryservice_registered
service vmware-inventoryservice stop
service vmware-vpxd stop
service vmware-inventoryservice start
service vmware-vpxd start

5. 替换VMware Log Browser service证书

cd /etc/vmware-sso/register-hooks.d
./09-vmware-logbrowser --mode uninstall --ls-server https://server.domain.com:7444/lookupservice/sdk
cp ssl/vpxd/* ssl/logbrowser/
cd ssl/logbrowser/
openssl pkcs12 -export -in rui.crt -inkey rui.key -name rui -passout pass:testpassword -out rui.pfx
cp rui.key /usr/lib/vmware-logbrowser/conf
cp rui.crt /usr/lib/vmware-logbrowser/conf
cp rui.pfx /usr/lib/vmware-logbrowser/conf
cd /usr/lib/vmware-logbrowser/conf
chmod 400 rui.key rui.pfx
chmod 644 rui.crt
cd /etc/vmware-sso/register-hooks.d
./09-vmware-logbrowser --mode install --ls-server https://server.domain.com:7444/lookupservice/sdk --user administrator@vSphere.local --password sso_administrator_password
service vmware-logbrowser stop
service vmware-logbrowser start

6. 替换vSphere Auto Deploy证书

cp ssl/vpxd/* ssl/autodeploy/
cp ssl/autodeploy/rui.crt /etc/vmware-rbd/ssl/waiter.crt
cp ssl/autodeploy/rui.key /etc/vmware-rbd/ssl/waiter.key
cd /etc/vmware-rbd/ssl/
chmod 644 waiter.crt
chmod 400 waiter.key
chown deploy:deploy waiter.crt waiter.key
service vmware-rbd-watchdog stop
rm /var/vmware/vpxd/autodeploy_registered
service vmware-vpxd restart

7. Reboot vCenter