Grafana+Prometheus 实现监控可视化

Grafana 是数据可视化展示平台,可以连接包括 Prometheus 在内的各种数据源。Prometheus 是一套监控报警和时序数据库的组合,Prometheus 主动发起TCP连接访问监控对象上面 Exporter 的端口获取信息,存储在自己的时序数据库中,Grafana 实时从 Prometheus 查询数据展示出来。

监控中数据获取有 Pull 和 Push 两大流派:

  • Pull(拉)是监控系统主动获取数据,监控系统需要服务发现机制,需要被监控对象开放端口能够被访问,一般来说监控对象配置简单、监控系统配置复杂。好处是容易发现监控对象离线,监控系统控制拉取顺序和频率,防止监控系统过载;坏处是每个监控对象都要开放端口,防火墙等安全配置复杂;麻烦是监控系统需要维护监控对象信息。
  • Push(推)是监控对象主动推送数据,监控系统被动获取,只有监控系统需要开放端口,监控对象配置稍复杂(设置推送目标)。好处是监控系统不需要维护监控对象列表,有且仅有监控系统需要开放端口,监控对象只要能网络可达监控系统即可,哪怕在多个防火墙后进行了多次NAT;坏处是监控系统可能过载,不容易发现监控对象离线;麻烦是每个监控对象都需要配置监控系统信息。


Node Exporter 是 Prometheus 官方提供的物理机监控客户端,注意更改版本号为最新的。

wget -q
tar xf node_exporter-*
sudo mv node_exporter-*/node_exporter /usr/local/sbin/
sudo chown root:root /usr/local/sbin/node_exporter
rm -rf ./node_exporter-*
sudo cat > /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service << EOF
Description=Prometheus Node Exporter

ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID


sudo systemctl enable --now node_exporter.service

DCGM-Exporter 是 NVIDIA 官方提供的GPU监控客户端,它基于DCGM。

安装 NVIDIA Data Center GPU Manager (DCGM),注意更改操作系统版本、架构、key包版本。

sudo dpkg -i cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb
rm -f cuda-keyring_1.1-1_all.deb
sudo add-apt-repository "deb /"
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install datacenter-gpu-manager-4-cuda-all
systemctl enable --now nvidia-dcgm

安装 Go 然后编译 DCGM-Exporter,注意更改Go的版本

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go*.tar.gz
rm -f go*.tar.gz
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
go env -w GO111MODULE=on 
go env -w GOPROXY=",direct"
git clone
cd dcgm-exporter
make binary
cp cmd/dcgm-exporter/dcgm-exporter /usr/local/sbin/
mkdir /usr/local/etc/dcgm-exporter
cp etc/* /usr/local/etc/dcgm-exporter/
cd ..
rm -rf dcgm-exporter
cat > /etc/systemd/system/dcgm-exporter.service <<EOF
Description=Prometheus DCGM exporter nvidia-dcgm.service nvidia-dcgm.service

ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/dcgm-exporter --collectors /usr/local/etc/dcgm-exporter/default-counters.csv


systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now dcgm-exporter.service

注意 DCGM 和 DCGM-Exporter 的版本要匹配,DCGM-Exporter 的版本格式为 DCGM版本-Exporter版本。如下列 4.1.1-4.0.4 意思是 DCGM-Exporter 本身的版本是4.0.4,对 DCGM 的版本要求是 4.1.1,经查看是匹配的。

/usr/local/sbin/dcgm-exporter --version
2025/03/23 10:46:13 maxprocs: Leaving GOMAXPROCS=112: CPU quota undefined
DCGM Exporter version 4.1.1-4.0.4
(base) root@ubuntu:~# dcgmi --version

dcgmi  version: 4.1.1


先把 Docker 和 Docker Compose V2 装好,然后用容器部署 Grafana 和 Prometheus。简单起见不考虑前面套反向代理、Prometheus加认证、consul 实现自动服务发现注册。


mkdir grafana
mkdir prometheus
mkdir prometheus-conf
sudo chown 472:0 grafana/
sudo chown 65534:65534 prometheus

编辑 docker-compose.yml

    image: prom/prometheus
    container_name: prometheus
    restart: always
      - ./prometheus:/prometheus
      - ./prometheus-conf:/etc/prometheus/conf
      - --config.file=/etc/prometheus/conf/prometheus.yml
      - --web.console.libraries=/usr/share/prometheus/console_libraries
      - --web.console.templates=/usr/share/prometheus/consoles
      - --web.listen-address=
      - --storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus
      - --storage.tsdb.retention.size=100GB  #数据库存储容量限制,超过后会自动删除最老的数据
      - --storage.tsdb.wal-compression
    image: grafana/grafana
    container_name: grafana
    restart: always
      - 3000:3000
      - ./grafana:/var/lib/grafana
      - GF_INSTALL_PLUGINS=grafana-clock-panel,grafana-piechart-panel
      - GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=yaoge123   #admin的初始密码
      - GF_SERVER_DOMAIN=   #如果前面有反代要改
      - GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=   #如果前面有反代要改
      #- GF_SERVER_SERVE_FROM_SUB_PATH=true   #反代后有子路径
      #- GF_SERVER_ROOT_URL=%(protocol)s://%(domain)s:%(http_port)s/grafana   #反代后有子路径
     - prometheus

导入默认配置 prometheus.yml

cd prometheus-conf

prometheus.yml 中主要编辑的是监控目标

# my global config
  scrape_interval: 30s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.采样间隔
  evaluation_interval: 30s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
  scrape_timeout: 30s #采样超时,有一些exporter读取很慢,需要放宽超时。
  # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).

# Alertmanager configuration
    - static_configs:
        - targets:
          # - alertmanager:9093

# Load rules once and periodically evaluate them according to the global 'evaluation_interval'.
  # - "first_rules.yml"
  # - "second_rules.yml"

# A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
# Here it's Prometheus itself.
  # The job name is added as a label `job=<job_name>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
  - job_name: "prometheus"

    # metrics_path defaults to '/metrics'
    # scheme defaults to 'http'.

      - targets: ["localhost:9090"]
       # The label name is added as a label `label_name=<label_value>` to any timeseries scraped from this config.
          app: "prometheus"

  - job_name: node_exporter
    - targets: 
      - ''
      - ''
  - job_name: dcgm-exporter
    - targets:
      - ''
      - ''

把容器启起来 cd .. && docker compose up -d

下面就是配置 Grafana

至此一个简单的监控平台就已经搭建好了,在真实的生产环境中使用 consul 实现被监控对象的管理是必不可少的,Prometheus 最好加上认证,Grafana 前面最好套一个 NGINX 做反代实现 HTTPS。

使用 GPFS GNR 的 Lenovo DSS-G 详细介绍和部署

IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) 最近这些年改了两次名,先是改成 IBM Spectrum Scale,最近又改成 IBM Storage Scale。

GPFS 详细介绍


  1. 底层使用独立于GPFS的存储、盘阵、软硬件RAID,RAID的LUN映射给GPFS Server节点用作NSD
  2. 两台服务器通过冗余链接到JBOD,GPFS使用裸盘,通过 GPFS Native RAID (GNR) 实现RAID
  3. 多台服务器使用本地硬盘,GPFS使用裸盘,通过 Erasure Code 实现RAID

GPFS的文件系统基于Network Shared Disk (NSD)构建,可以对NSD划分不同的存储池(storage pool),其中system pool必定存在,还可以增加其它的pool,不同的pool可以使用不同类型的NSD做自动化的数据迁移和放置规则。同一个pool中数据在NSD上平均的分布,如果文件系统的元数据和数据的副本设置为1(默认值)则类似于RAID0,如果元数据和数据的副本设置为2则类似于RAID1。文件系统元数据和数据的副本数量可以独立设置可以不同,但是不能超过最大值,最大值在创建文件系统的时候设置,默认都是2,可以指定为3。元数据和数据的副本数除了在文件系统层面配置,还可以在规则中进行更细粒度的控制。NSD用途有四种,主要使用到的是三种,系统池的默认值 数据和元数据(dataAndMetadata),非系统池的默认值 仅数据(dataOnly),仅元数据(metadataOnly)。

块(Block)是可分配给文件的最大连续硬盘空间(在一个NSD上面),也是单次 I/O 操作中下发的最大大小。块由一定数量的子块组成,子块是可分配给文件空间的最小单位。大于一个块的文件存储在一个或多个块中,加上额外的一个或多个子块以保存剩余数据。小于一个块的文件存储在一个或多个子块中。当流式写入大文件时,当一个NSD写满一个Block Size时,就会转到下一个NSD继续写入,从而平衡各个NSD之间性能和空间的消耗,显然更大的Block Size有助于提升存储系统的吞吐量。块大小和子块大小的对应关系如下:64 KB 块对应2 KB 子块,128 KB 块对应4 KB 子块,256 KB-4 MB 块对应8 KiB 子块,8-16 MB 块对应16 KiB 子块。

块大小(Block Size)是GPFS中重要的参数,文件系统的块大小、子块大小和每个块的子块数量是在创建文件系统时设置的,以后不能更改,如果更改只能创建新的并自己迁移数据,这个开销非常大往往是不能接受的。文件系统的块大小还不能超过全局配置maxblocksize的值,更改maxblocksize需要整个GPFS停机。文件系统中所有数据的块大小和子块大小是相同的,所有元数据的块大小可以单独设置,但是数据和元数据的每个块的子块数量是相同的。例如,块大小为16 MB,元数据块大小为1 MB,则数据子块大小为128 KB,元数据子块大小为 8 KB,子块数量128个,特别注意这里的数据块子块大小要比标准的16K大,这是因为元数据的子块数量规定的数据的子块数量。

DSS-G 介绍

Lenovo DSS-G 是联想将GPFS集成的软硬件一体化设备,其硬件、固件和软件是紧密集成的,使用GNR或EC实现数据保护,抛弃了传统的RAID架构。其中DSS-G2xy采用GNR架构,DSS-G100 ECE采用EC架构。

DSS-G2xy硬件为两台相同配置的联想x86服务器和一台或多台JBOD,型号中的xy代表JBOD的类型和数量,x代表4U/5U高密3.5英寸HDD扩展柜,y代表2U 2.5英寸SSD扩展柜。如DSS-G210代表只有一台高密3.5英寸扩展柜。


DSS-G 安装部署

第三步:创建或加入现有集群,使用mmlsconfig验证nsdRAIDFirmwareDirectory 为 /opt/lenovo/dss/firmware,再使用mmlsfirmware检查固件版本。



第四步:使用dssgmkstorage创建存储,这一步是将JBOD和服务器上的硬盘创建pdisk、Recovery Group、Declustered Array。把pdisk分配给RG,每个pdisk都有主用服务器和备用服务器,这些pdisk组成DA。

  • node class:DSS的两台服务器组成一个node class,这个node class名称默认执行dssgmkstorage主机名前加nc_,如果想改需要直接编辑 /opt/lenovo/dss/bin/dssgmkstorag 中的 local -r classnameL=
  • pdisk:服务器系统中的块设备,对应JBOD的所有物理硬盘、还有服务器RAID卡的部分Virtual Disk。服务器上面两块800G做RAID1后划分了多个VD,第一个最大的VD(约700G)用于操作系统,其它5个小的VD(8000M)中的2个创建了pdisk,剩余3个估计是预留的。
  • Recovery Group:每个pdisk都仅属于一个RG,每个RG有主服务器和备服务器,互相做故障切换,提供高可用性。每套DSS两台服务器就有两个RG,所有pdisk被分配给两个RG中的一个,RG1主用服务器1 备用服务器2,RG2主用服务器2 备用服务器1。
  • Declustered arrays:每个pdisk都属于一个DA,相同容量、性能、容量的pdisk划分成一个DA,比如3.5的HDD一个DA、2.5的SSD是另一个DA。在DSS-G2x0会创建三个DA,NVR是服务器本地硬盘(RAID卡的VD)、SSD是第一个JBOD中两块SSD、DA1是JBOD中所有的HDD。
  • 自动给每个RG创建LOGHOME、LOGTIP、LOGTIPBACKUP这三个vdisk,分别属于DA1、NVR、SSD,每一个RG都需要这三个vdisk存储GNR的元数据。log home 存储于JBOD的HDD上用四副本保护,用于存放长期事件日志、短期事件日志、元数据日志和记录小型写入操作的快速写入日志;log tip 存储于服务器本地硬盘用双副本保护(还有底层的RAID1),是 log home 的写缓存,日志先写入 log tip 然后再迁移至 log home,以便提高性能;log tip backup 是 log tip 的额外副本,存储于JBOD的SSD上无副本。



[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk recoverygroup list --declustered-array

                declustered   needs                                capacity             pdisks  
recovery group     array     service  type  BER      trim  total raw free raw free%  total spare  background task
--------------  -----------  -------  ----  -------  ----  --------- -------- -----  ----- -----  ---------------
dss01           NVR          no       NVR   enable   -             -        -     -      2     0  scrub (16%)
dss01           SSD          no       SSD   enable   -             -        -     -      1     0  scrub (8%)
dss01           DA1          no       HDD   enable   no      834 TiB  834 TiB  100%     44     2  scrub (0%)
dss02           NVR          no       NVR   enable   -             -        -     -      2     0  scrub (16%)
dss02           SSD          no       SSD   enable   -             -        -     -      1     0  scrub (8%)
dss02           DA1          no       HDD   enable   no      834 TiB  834 TiB  100%     44     2  scrub (0%)

mmvdisk: Total capacity is the raw space before any vdisk set definitions.
mmvdisk: Free capacity is what remains for additional vdisk set definitions.

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk recoverygroup list --recovery-group dss01 --all

                                                                        needs    user 
recovery group  node class  active   current or master server          service  vdisks  remarks
--------------  ----------  -------  --------------------------------  -------  ------  -------
dss01           dssg01      yes      dss01                             no            0  

                recovery group format version
recovery group     current        allowable    mmvdisk version
--------------  -------------   -------------  ---------------

number  server                            active   remarks
------  --------------------------------  -------  -------
   922  dss01                             yes      primary, serving dss01
   923  dss02                             yes      backup

declustered   needs                         vdisks       pdisks           capacity     
   array     service  type    BER    trim  user log  total spare rt  total raw free raw  background task
-----------  -------  ----  -------  ----  ---- ---  ----- ----- --  --------- --------  ---------------
NVR          no       NVR   enable   -        0   1      2     0  1          -        -  scrub 14d (16%)
SSD          no       SSD   enable   -        0   1      1     0  1          -        -  scrub 14d (8%)
DA1          no       HDD   enable   no       0   1     44     2  2    834 TiB  834 TiB  scrub 14d (2%)

mmvdisk: Total capacity is the raw space before any vdisk set definitions.
mmvdisk: Free capacity is what remains for additional vdisk set definitions.

              declustered      paths                               AU   
pdisk            array     active  total  capacity  free space  log size  state  
------------  -----------  ------  -----  --------  ----------  --------  -----  
n922v001      NVR               1      1  7992 MiB    7816 MiB   120 MiB  ok
n923v001      NVR               1      1  7992 MiB    7816 MiB   120 MiB  ok
e1s01ssd      SSD               2      4   745 GiB     744 GiB   120 MiB  ok
e1s02         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s03         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s04         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s05         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s06         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s07         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s16         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s17         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s18         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s19         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s20         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s21         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s22         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s23         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s31         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s32         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s33         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s34         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s35         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s36         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s37         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s46         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s47         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s48         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s49         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s50         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s51         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s52         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s53         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s61         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s62         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s63         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s64         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s65         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s66         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s67         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s76         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s77         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s78         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s79         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s80         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s81         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s82         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s83         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok

                declustered                 capacity            all vdisk sets defined
recovery group     array     type  total raw  free raw  free%  in the declustered array
--------------  -----------  ----  ---------  --------  -----  ------------------------
dss01           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   834 TiB   100%  -

                  vdisk set map memory per server      
node class  available  required  required per vdisk set
----------  ---------  --------  ----------------------
dssg01         90 GiB   387 MiB  -

                    declustered                                          block size and     
vdisk                  array     activity  capacity  RAID code        checksum granularity  remarks
------------------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  -------
RG001LOGHOME        DA1          normal      48 GiB  4WayReplication      2 MiB       4096  log home
RG001LOGTIP         NVR          normal      48 MiB  2WayReplication      2 MiB       4096  log tip
RG001LOGTIPBACKUP   SSD          normal      48 MiB  Unreplicated         2 MiB       4096  log tip backup

                    declustered      VCD spares    
configuration data     array     configured  actual  remarks
------------------  -----------  ----------  ------  -------
relocation space    DA1                  24      28  must contain VCD

configuration data  disk group fault tolerance         remarks
------------------  ---------------------------------  -------
rg descriptor       4 pdisk                            limiting fault tolerance
system index        4 pdisk                            limited by rg descriptor

vdisk               RAID code        disk group fault tolerance         remarks
------------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------  -------
RG001LOGHOME        4WayReplication  3 pdisk                            
RG001LOGTIP         2WayReplication  1 pdisk                            
RG001LOGTIPBACKUP   Unreplicated     0 pdisk                            

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk recoverygroup list --recovery-group dss02 --all

                                                                        needs    user 
recovery group  node class  active   current or master server          service  vdisks  remarks
--------------  ----------  -------  --------------------------------  -------  ------  -------
dss02           dssg01      yes      dss02                             no            0  

                recovery group format version
recovery group     current        allowable    mmvdisk version
--------------  -------------   -------------  ---------------

number  server                            active   remarks
------  --------------------------------  -------  -------
   922  dss01                             yes      backup
   923  dss02                             yes      primary, serving dss02

declustered   needs                         vdisks       pdisks           capacity     
   array     service  type    BER    trim  user log  total spare rt  total raw free raw  background task
-----------  -------  ----  -------  ----  ---- ---  ----- ----- --  --------- --------  ---------------
NVR          no       NVR   enable   -        0   1      2     0  1          -        -  scrub 14d (16%)
SSD          no       SSD   enable   -        0   1      1     0  1          -        -  scrub 14d (8%)
DA1          no       HDD   enable   no       0   1     44     2  2    834 TiB  834 TiB  scrub 14d (2%)

mmvdisk: Total capacity is the raw space before any vdisk set definitions.
mmvdisk: Free capacity is what remains for additional vdisk set definitions.

              declustered      paths                               AU   
pdisk            array     active  total  capacity  free space  log size  state  
------------  -----------  ------  -----  --------  ----------  --------  -----  
n922v002      NVR               1      1  7992 MiB    7816 MiB   120 MiB  ok
n923v002      NVR               1      1  7992 MiB    7816 MiB   120 MiB  ok
e1s12ssd      SSD               2      4   745 GiB     744 GiB   120 MiB  ok
e1s08         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s09         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s10         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s11         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s13         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s14         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s15         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s24         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s25         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s26         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s27         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s28         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s29         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s30         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s38         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s39         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s40         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s41         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s42         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s43         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s44         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s45         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s54         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s55         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s56         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s57         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s58         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s59         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s60         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s68         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s69         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s70         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s71         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s72         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s73         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s74         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s75         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s84         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s85         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s86         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s87         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s88         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s89         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s90         DA1               2      4    20 TiB      19 TiB    40 MiB  ok

                declustered                 capacity            all vdisk sets defined
recovery group     array     type  total raw  free raw  free%  in the declustered array
--------------  -----------  ----  ---------  --------  -----  ------------------------
dss02           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   834 TiB   100%  -

                  vdisk set map memory per server      
node class  available  required  required per vdisk set
----------  ---------  --------  ----------------------
dssg01         90 GiB   387 MiB  -

                    declustered                                          block size and     
vdisk                  array     activity  capacity  RAID code        checksum granularity  remarks
------------------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  -------
RG002LOGHOME        DA1          normal      48 GiB  4WayReplication      2 MiB       4096  log home
RG002LOGTIP         NVR          normal      48 MiB  2WayReplication      2 MiB       4096  log tip
RG002LOGTIPBACKUP   SSD          normal      48 MiB  Unreplicated         2 MiB       4096  log tip backup

                    declustered      VCD spares    
configuration data     array     configured  actual  remarks
------------------  -----------  ----------  ------  -------
relocation space    DA1                  24      28  must contain VCD

configuration data  disk group fault tolerance         remarks
------------------  ---------------------------------  -------
rg descriptor       4 pdisk                            limiting fault tolerance
system index        4 pdisk                            limited by rg descriptor

vdisk               RAID code        disk group fault tolerance         remarks
------------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------  -------
RG002LOGHOME        4WayReplication  3 pdisk                            
RG002LOGTIP         2WayReplication  1 pdisk                            
RG002LOGTIPBACKUP   Unreplicated     0 pdisk                


第六步:定义和创建vdisk,vdisk在DA上面定义并创建被用于NSD,主要需要确定 Raid Code、Block Size和容量。vdisk存在于DA的所有pdisk上,Raid Code可选 Reed-Solomon code (4+2p/4+3p/8+2p/8+3p)或副本(三或四)保护数据,Block Size 对于 Reed-Solomon code 最大16MB、对于副本最大1MB。

与许多RAID6一样,GNR也有写惩罚问题,写入一个完整的block size时性能最佳,部分写入需要重新计算校验,这会导致性能下降,显然多副本没有这个问题。

元数据占用空间不大,不过读写块都很小,建议用多副本提高性能,如三副本 3WayReplication,空间利用率只有1/3。数据占用空间很大,用奇偶校验可以提供空间利用率,如8+2p,空间利用率有80%。3WayReplication 和 8+2p 可以忍受同时故障2个硬盘,如果需要忍受同时3个硬盘故障则需要 4WayReplication 和 8+3p,这样提高了安全性但是会导致性能和空间利用率下降。

(0.03/3)/(0.97*0.8)=1.29%   元数据占裸容量3%,数据占裸容量97%,元数据占可用容量1.29%
(0.05/3)/(0.95*0.8)=2.19%   元数据占裸容量5%,数据占裸容量95%,元数据占可用容量2.19%

我们选择元数据5%裸容量三副本块大小1M块,含有元数据的vdisk会被自动指定为system pool;数据95%裸容量8+2p块大小16M,指定为data pool。先定义vdisk,确认无误且内存需求满足后创建vdisk。

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk vdiskset define --vdisk-set mvs01 --recovery-group dss01,dss02 --code 3WayReplication --block-size 1m --set-size 5% --nsd-usage metadataOnly
mmvdisk: Vdisk set 'mvs01' has been defined.
mmvdisk: Recovery group 'dss01' has been defined in vdisk set 'mvs01'.
mmvdisk: Recovery group 'dss02' has been defined in vdisk set 'mvs01'.

                     member vdisks     
vdisk set       count   size   raw size  created  file system and attributes
--------------  ----- -------- --------  -------  --------------------------
mvs01               2   13 TiB   41 TiB  no       -, DA1, 3WayReplication, 1 MiB, metadataOnly, system

                declustered                 capacity            all vdisk sets defined 
recovery group     array     type  total raw  free raw  free%  in the declustered array
--------------  -----------  ----  ---------  --------  -----  ------------------------
dss01           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   793 TiB    95%  mvs01
dss02           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   793 TiB    95%  mvs01

                  vdisk set map memory per server      
node class  available  required  required per vdisk set
----------  ---------  --------  ----------------------
dssg01         90 GiB  1080 MiB  mvs01 (693 MiB)

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk vdiskset define --vdisk-set dvs01 --recovery-group dss01,dss02 --code 8+2p --block-size 16m --set-size 95% --nsd-usage dataOnly --storage-pool data

mmvdisk: Vdisk set 'dvs01' has been defined.
mmvdisk: Recovery group 'dss01' has been defined in vdisk set 'dvs01'.
mmvdisk: Recovery group 'dss02' has been defined in vdisk set 'dvs01'.

                     member vdisks     
vdisk set       count   size   raw size  created  file system and attributes
--------------  ----- -------- --------  -------  --------------------------
dvs01               2  631 TiB  793 TiB  no       -, DA1, 8+2p, 16 MiB, dataOnly, data

                declustered                 capacity            all vdisk sets defined 
recovery group     array     type  total raw  free raw  free%  in the declustered array
--------------  -----------  ----  ---------  --------  -----  ------------------------
dss01           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01
dss02           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01

                  vdisk set map memory per server      
node class  available  required  required per vdisk set
----------  ---------  --------  ----------------------
dssg01         90 GiB    14 GiB  dvs01 (13 GiB), mvs01 (693 MiB)

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk vdiskset list

vdisk set         created  file system  recovery groups
----------------  -------  -----------  ---------------
dvs01             no       -            dss01, dss02
mvs01             no       -            dss01, dss02

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk vdiskset list --vdisk-set all

                     member vdisks     
vdisk set       count   size   raw size  created  file system and attributes
--------------  ----- -------- --------  -------  --------------------------
dvs01               2  631 TiB  793 TiB  no       -, DA1, 8+2p, 16 MiB, dataOnly, data
mvs01               2   13 TiB   41 TiB  no       -, DA1, 3WayReplication, 1 MiB, metadataOnly, system

                declustered                 capacity            all vdisk sets defined 
recovery group     array     type  total raw  free raw  free%  in the declustered array
--------------  -----------  ----  ---------  --------  -----  ------------------------
dss01           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01
dss02           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01

                  vdisk set map memory per server      
node class  available  required  required per vdisk set
----------  ---------  --------  ----------------------
dssg01         90 GiB    14 GiB  dvs01 (13 GiB), mvs01 (693 MiB)

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk vdiskset list --recovery-group all

                declustered                 capacity            all vdisk sets defined 
recovery group     array     type  total raw  free raw  free%  in the declustered array
--------------  -----------  ----  ---------  --------  -----  ------------------------
dss01           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01
dss02           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01

                  vdisk set map memory per server      
node class  available  required  required per vdisk set
----------  ---------  --------  ----------------------
dssg01         90 GiB    14 GiB  dvs01 (13 GiB), mvs01 (693 MiB)

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk vdiskset create --vdisk-set mvs01,dvs01
mmvdisk: 2 vdisks and 2 NSDs will be created in vdisk set 'mvs01'.
mmvdisk: 2 vdisks and 2 NSDs will be created in vdisk set 'dvs01'.
mmvdisk: (mmcrvdisk) [I] Processing vdisk RG001VS001
mmvdisk: (mmcrvdisk) [I] Processing vdisk RG002VS001
mmvdisk: (mmcrvdisk) [I] Processing vdisk RG002VS002
mmvdisk: (mmcrvdisk) [I] Processing vdisk RG001VS002
mmvdisk: Created all vdisks in vdisk set 'mvs01'.
mmvdisk: Created all vdisks in vdisk set 'dvs01'.
mmvdisk: (mmcrnsd) Processing disk RG001VS001
mmvdisk: (mmcrnsd) Processing disk RG002VS001
mmvdisk: (mmcrnsd) Processing disk RG001VS002
mmvdisk: (mmcrnsd) Processing disk RG002VS002
mmvdisk: Created all NSDs in vdisk set 'mvs01'.
mmvdisk: Created all NSDs in vdisk set 'dvs01'.

第七步:创建文件系统:因NSD的用途和块大小在前一步vdisk时已经确定了,在这里只要指定vdisk set即可。

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk filesystem create –file-system dssfs –vdisk-set mvs01,dvs01 –mmcrfs -A yes -Q yes -n 1024 -T /dssfs –auto-inode-limit
mmvdisk: Creating file system ‘dssfs’.
mmvdisk: The following disks of dssfs will be formatted on node dss01:
mmvdisk: RG001VS001: size 14520704 MB
mmvdisk: RG002VS001: size 14520704 MB
mmvdisk: RG001VS002: size 662657024 MB
mmvdisk: RG002VS002: size 662657024 MB
mmvdisk: Formatting file system …
mmvdisk: Disks up to size 126.40 TB can be added to storage pool system.
mmvdisk: Disks up to size 7.90 PB can be added to storage pool data.
mmvdisk: Creating Inode File
mmvdisk: 97 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:28:34 2025
mmvdisk: 100 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:28:34 2025
mmvdisk: Creating Allocation Maps
mmvdisk: Creating Log Files
mmvdisk: 0 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:28:40 2025
mmvdisk: 18 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:28:45 2025
mmvdisk: 31 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:28:50 2025
mmvdisk: 48 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:28:55 2025
mmvdisk: 63 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:29:00 2025
mmvdisk: 75 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:29:05 2025
mmvdisk: 100 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:29:08 2025
mmvdisk: Clearing Inode Allocation Map
mmvdisk: Clearing Block Allocation Map
mmvdisk: Formatting Allocation Map for storage pool system
mmvdisk: Formatting Allocation Map for storage pool data
mmvdisk: 76 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:29:16 2025
mmvdisk: 100 % complete on Sun Mar 9 19:29:17 2025
mmvdisk: Completed creation of file system /dev/dssfs.

这个时候我们再回头看看RG的配置,RG dss01所属的主服务器是dss01,备用服务器是dss02,DA1中每个pdisk空闲空间组成热备空间。

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk recoverygroup list --recovery-group dss01 --all

                                                                        needs    user 
recovery group  node class  active   current or master server          service  vdisks  remarks
--------------  ----------  -------  --------------------------------  -------  ------  -------
dss01           dssg01      yes      dss01                             no            2  

                recovery group format version
recovery group     current        allowable    mmvdisk version
--------------  -------------   -------------  ---------------

number  server                            active   remarks
------  --------------------------------  -------  -------
   922  dss01                             yes      primary, serving dss01
   923  dss02                             yes      backup

declustered   needs                         vdisks       pdisks           capacity     
   array     service  type    BER    trim  user log  total spare rt  total raw free raw  background task
-----------  -------  ----  -------  ----  ---- ---  ----- ----- --  --------- --------  ---------------
NVR          no       NVR   enable   -        0   1      2     0  1          -        -  scrub 14d (66%)
SSD          no       SSD   enable   -        0   1      1     0  1          -        -  scrub 14d (33%)
DA1          no       HDD   enable   no       2   1     44     2  2    834 TiB  144 GiB  scrub 14d (45%)

mmvdisk: Total capacity is the raw space before any vdisk set definitions.
mmvdisk: Free capacity is what remains for additional vdisk set definitions.

              declustered      paths                               AU   
pdisk            array     active  total  capacity  free space  log size  state  
------------  -----------  ------  -----  --------  ----------  --------  -----  
n922v001      NVR               1      1  7992 MiB    7816 MiB   120 MiB  ok
n923v001      NVR               1      1  7992 MiB    7816 MiB   120 MiB  ok
e1s01ssd      SSD               2      4   745 GiB     744 GiB   120 MiB  ok
e1s02         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s03         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s04         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s05         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s06         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s07         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s16         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s17         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s18         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s19         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s20         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s21         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s22         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s23         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s31         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s32         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s33         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s34         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s35         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s36         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s37         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s46         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s47         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s48         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s49         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s50         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s51         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s52         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s53         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s61         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s62         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s63         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s64         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s65         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s66         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s67         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s76         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s77         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s78         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s79         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s80         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1040 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s81         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s82         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok
e1s83         DA1               2      4    20 TiB    1024 GiB    40 MiB  ok

                declustered                 capacity            all vdisk sets defined
recovery group     array     type  total raw  free raw  free%  in the declustered array
--------------  -----------  ----  ---------  --------  -----  ------------------------
dss01           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01

                  vdisk set map memory per server      
node class  available  required  required per vdisk set
----------  ---------  --------  ----------------------
dssg01         90 GiB    14 GiB  dvs01 (13 GiB), mvs01 (693 MiB)

                    declustered                                          block size and     
vdisk                  array     activity  capacity  RAID code        checksum granularity  remarks
------------------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------------  ---------  ---------  -------
RG001LOGHOME        DA1          normal      48 GiB  4WayReplication      2 MiB       4096  log home
RG001LOGTIP         NVR          normal      48 MiB  2WayReplication      2 MiB       4096  log tip
RG001LOGTIPBACKUP   SSD          normal      48 MiB  Unreplicated         2 MiB       4096  log tip backup
RG001VS001          DA1          normal      13 TiB  3WayReplication      1 MiB     32 KiB  
RG001VS002          DA1          normal     631 TiB  8+2p                16 MiB     32 KiB  

                    declustered      VCD spares    
configuration data     array     configured  actual  remarks
------------------  -----------  ----------  ------  -------
relocation space    DA1                  24      28  must contain VCD

configuration data  disk group fault tolerance         remarks
------------------  ---------------------------------  -------
rg descriptor       4 pdisk                            limiting fault tolerance
system index        4 pdisk                            limited by rg descriptor

vdisk               RAID code        disk group fault tolerance         remarks
------------------  ---------------  ---------------------------------  -------
RG001LOGHOME        4WayReplication  3 pdisk                            
RG001LOGTIP         2WayReplication  1 pdisk                            
RG001LOGTIPBACKUP   Unreplicated     0 pdisk                            
RG001VS001          3WayReplication  2 pdisk                            
RG001VS002          8+2p             2 pdisk      

再看看vdisk的配置,可见block size、pool和用途都在vdisk上面配置了。

[root@dss01 ~]# mmvdisk vdiskset list --file-system all

                     member vdisks     
vdisk set       count   size   raw size  created  file system and attributes
--------------  ----- -------- --------  -------  --------------------------
dvs01               2  631 TiB  793 TiB  yes      fsb, DA1, 8+2p, 16 MiB, dataOnly, data
mvs01               2   13 TiB   41 TiB  yes      fsb, DA1, 3WayReplication, 1 MiB, metadataOnly, system

                declustered                 capacity            all vdisk sets defined 
recovery group     array     type  total raw  free raw  free%  in the declustered array
--------------  -----------  ----  ---------  --------  -----  ------------------------
dss01           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01
dss02           DA1          HDD     834 TiB   144 GiB     0%  dvs01, mvs01

                  vdisk set map memory per server      
node class  available  required  required per vdisk set
----------  ---------  --------  ----------------------
dssg01         90 GiB    14 GiB  dvs01 (13 GiB), mvs01 (693 MiB)
Posted in HPC


齐治RIS堡垒机的应用发布服务器,根据官方文档进行安全加固后,很多系统功能(如Windows Update)无法使用,这是因为在AppLocker中没有配置封装应用规则。

  1. 单击开始菜单,选择运行,或直接按win+R键打开运行。
  2. 输入gpedit.msc,并按回车,打开本地组策略编辑器。
  3. 选中计算机配置 > Windows设置 > 安全设置 > 应用程序控制策略 > AppLocker > 封装应用规则。
  4. 鼠标右键选择创建默认规则。
  5. 双击打开刚刚创建的默认规则,将用户或组改为Administrator,描述进行适当的修改。

LSI HBA 卡升级固件

storcli64 show 查一下控制器编号,就是Ctl那一列的数字

storcli64 /c0 show 查看当前版本


storcli64 /c0 download file=HBA_9400-8e_SAS_SATA_Profile.bin

storcli64 /c0 download bios file=mpt35sas_legacy.rom

storcli64 /c2 download efibios file=mpt35sas_x64.rom

storcli64 /c0 show 查看升级后版本,然后重启搞定



dcb pfc
interface 25GE1/0/10
 description Host-01
 port link-type trunk
 undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 125
 stp edged-port enable
 lldp tlv-enable dcbx
 dcb pfc enable mode manual
interface 25GE1/0/12
 description Host-02
 port link-type trunk
 undo port trunk allow-pass vlan 1
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 125
 stp edged-port enable
 lldp tlv-enable dcbx
 dcb pfc enable mode manual
lldp enable


[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8a:00.1 query|grep -iE "dcb|lldp"
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P1                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P2                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)             

[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8b:00.0 query|grep -iE "dcb|lldp"
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P1                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P2                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)       

发现LLDP没有启动,启用LLDP和DCBx,DCBx IEEE已启用。

[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8a:00.1 set LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2=1 LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2=2 LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2=2 DCBX_WILLING_P2=1 DCBX_IEEE_P2=1 

Device #1:

Device type:        ConnectX5           
Name:               MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx   
Description:        ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
Device:             0000:8a:00.1        

Configurations:                                          Next Boot       New
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             False(0)             True(1)             
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)               ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)               ALL(2)              
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)              True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)              True(1)             

 Apply new Configuration? (y/n) [n] : y
Applying... Done!
-I- Please reboot machine to load new configurations.

[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8b:00.0 set LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1=1 LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1=2 LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1=2 DCBX_WILLING_P1=1 DCBX_IEEE_P1=1 

Device #1:

Device type:        ConnectX5           
Name:               MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx   
Description:        ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
Device:             0000:8b:00.0        

Configurations:                                          Next Boot       New
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             False(0)             True(1)             
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)               ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)               ALL(2)              
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)              True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)              True(1)             

 Apply new Configuration? (y/n) [n] : y
Applying... Done!
-I- Please reboot machine to load new configurations.


[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8a:00.1 query|grep -iE "dcb|lldp"
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             True(1)             
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          ALL(2)              
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P1                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P2                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)             
[root@yaoge123:~] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxconfig -d 0000:8b:00.0 query|grep -iE "dcb|lldp"
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P1                             True(1)             
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P1                          ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P1                          ALL(2)              
        LLDP_NB_DCBX_P2                             False(0)            
        LLDP_NB_RX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        LLDP_NB_TX_MODE_P2                          OFF(0)              
        DCBX_IEEE_P1                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P1                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P1                             True(1)             
        DCBX_IEEE_P2                                True(1)             
        DCBX_CEE_P2                                 True(1)             
        DCBX_WILLING_P2                             True(1)             

查看网卡的DCB状态,模式为IEEE,PFC已启用且优先级为3(0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0)

[root@2288Hv6-05:~] esxcli network nic dcb status get -n vmnic3
   Nic Name: vmnic3
   Mode: 3 - IEEE Mode
   Enabled: true
         Priority Group: true
         Priority Flow Control: true
         PG Traffic Classes: 8
         PFC Traffic Classes: 8
   PFC Enabled: true
   PFC Configuration: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
   IEEE ETS Configuration: 
         Willing Bit In ETS Config TLV: 1
         Supported Capacity: 8
         Credit Based Shaper ETS Algorithm Supported: 0x0
         TX Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         RX Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         TSA Assignment Table Per TC: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
         Priority Assignment Per TC: 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
         Recommended TC Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         Recommended TSA Assignment Per TC: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
         Recommended Priority Assignment Per TC: 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
   IEEE PFC Configuration: 
         Number Of Traffic Classes: 8
         PFC Configuration: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
         Macsec Bypass Capability Is Enabled: 0
         Round Trip Propagation Delay Of Link: 0
         Sent PFC Frames: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         Received PFC Frames: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   DCB Apps: 
[root@2288Hv6-05:~] esxcli network nic dcb status get -n vmnic4
   Nic Name: vmnic4
   Mode: 3 - IEEE Mode
   Enabled: true
         Priority Group: true
         Priority Flow Control: true
         PG Traffic Classes: 8
         PFC Traffic Classes: 8
   PFC Enabled: true
   PFC Configuration: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
   IEEE ETS Configuration: 
         Willing Bit In ETS Config TLV: 1
         Supported Capacity: 8
         Credit Based Shaper ETS Algorithm Supported: 0x0
         TX Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         RX Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         TSA Assignment Table Per TC: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
         Priority Assignment Per TC: 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
         Recommended TC Bandwidth Per TC: 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12
         Recommended TSA Assignment Per TC: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
         Recommended Priority Assignment Per TC: 1 0 2 3 4 5 6 7
   IEEE PFC Configuration: 
         Number Of Traffic Classes: 8
         PFC Configuration: 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
         Macsec Bypass Capability Is Enabled: 0
         Round Trip Propagation Delay Of Link: 0
         Sent PFC Frames: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
         Received PFC Frames: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   DCB Apps: 



  1. lvmcache bcache bcachefs:因在用ZFS所以没有测试这类方案,看上去比较复杂;
  2. ZFS L2ARC:实际测试基本无效果,zpool iostat 看L2ARC读取很少;
  3. nginx proxy_cache:效果显著,但是必须用反代。


http {
    proxy_cache_path /cache levels=1:2 use_temp_path=off keys_zone=mirror:64m inactive=24h max_size=2600g;
server {
    listen 80;
    listen [::]:80;
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;
    listen *:443 quic;
    listen [::]:443 quic;
    proxy_cache mirror;
    proxy_cache_key $request_uri;
    proxy_cache_valid 200 24h;
    proxy_cache_valid 301 302 1h;
    proxy_cache_valid any 1m;
    proxy_cache_lock on;
    proxy_cache_lock_age 3s;
    proxy_cache_lock_timeout 3s;
    proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating;
    proxy_cache_background_update on;
    proxy_cache_revalidate on;
    cache_purge_response_type text;
    proxy_cache_purge PURGE from;
    add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status;
    location / {

  • proxy_cache_path:
    use_temp_path=off 临时文件直接放到 cache 目录中,防止文件在 temp_path 和 cache_path 之间移动。缓存文件会先放在 temp_path 中,下载完了再移动到 cache_path 下,设定成 off 比较简单安全。
    keys_zone=mirror:64m 内存缓存区名称是 mirror 容量是64MB,每MB内存可以缓存八千个key,可以估算一下key的数量设定缓存区大小。
    inactive=6h 超过6小时没有访问的缓存会被删除,无论是否 valid,防止缓存被长期未用的数据占用。
    max_size=1946g 要比缓存目录 /cache 容量稍小,如果缓存用尽 nginx 会报错 [crit] …… failed (2: No such file or directory) 而且会直接断开客户端链接。
  • proxy_cache mirror:匹配前面 proxy_cache_path 的内存缓存区名称。
  • proxy_cache_key $request_uri:原始请求的URL,用这个URL用作缓存的key,只要这个key(请求URL)一样则nginx用缓存中一样的数据回复。
  • proxy_cache_valid 200 24h; proxy_cache_valid 301 302 1h; proxy_cache_valid any 1m;:HTTP状态码200的缓存24小时、301/302的缓存1小时、其它的缓存1分钟,缓存达到这个时间就会被抛弃,防止数据被长期缓存不能得到更新。
  • proxy_cache_lock on:当有多个请求同一个文件时(同一个key),只有第一个请求从反代中获取,通过加锁让后续的请求等待第一个请求完成后从缓存中获取,防止并发从后端中请求同一个文件,加重后端负载。
  • proxy_cache_lock_age 3s:第一个请求锁定3秒,到期后就释放锁,下一个请求发送到后端。
  • proxy_cache_lock_timeout 3s:后续的请求如果等待3秒还未从缓存中获取,就直接从后端获取,但是不缓存。
  • proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout updating:当请求后端时出现错误(error)或超时(timeout)时使用过期缓存,如果因缓存过期正在更新中(updating)时使用过期缓存,过期的缓存总比没有好。
  • proxy_cache_background_update on:允许后台请求过期的缓存。
  • proxy_cache_revalidate on:更新缓存时使用 If-Modified-Since 和 If-None-Match 请求后端,后端可以返回304而非200减少传输。
  • cache_purge_response_type text:清除缓存后返回文本格式的结果。
  • proxy_cache_purge PURGE from使用PURGE这个HTTP方法清除缓存,允许本地和192.168.10.10来清除。
  • add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status:添加HTTP头X-Cache-Status以便客户端知道缓存情况。

后端nginx可能需要设定某些文件的缓存有效期,比如提供给mirrorz的相关文件需要根据不同的请求站点设置不同的 Access-Control-Allow-Origin 头以实现跨域,但是URL相同则前端缓存key相同,前端无法根据不同的请求站点回复不同的HTTP头,在缓存有效期内均回复第一次访问缓存下来的HTTP头,所以比较简单的方法就是直接禁用有关文件的缓存:

server {
    listen 8000;
    root /mirror;
    location ~ ^/mirrorz/ {
        expires -1;
  • expires -1:负值禁用缓存,通过添加HTTP头 Cache-Control: no-cache 和 Expires,Expires被设定为当前时间之前,这样前端nginx就不会缓存 mirrorz 的URL了。

编辑 tunasync worker 的配置文件添加一个脚本,使得每个同步作业结束后均清除前端上这个镜像的所有缓存:

#tunasync worker的配置文件
exec_on_success = [ "/home/mirror/" ]
exec_on_failure = [ "/home/mirror/" ]

/usr/bin/curl --silent --output /dev/null --request PURGE "$DIR/*"

镜像站某些状态文件会频繁的周期更新,每次更新后都用 curl --silent --output /dev/null --request PURGE "*" 清除一下缓存。

NVMe over RoCE 网络规划

NVMe over RoCE 存储系统的网络应认真规划,下面以一个简单的系统为例说明:

  • 一台双控制器(A控、B控)NVMe存储,每个控制器上有四个NVMe over RoCE的网口(A控A1-A4、B控B1-B4)
  • 两台无损以太网交换机(交换机A、交换机B)
  • 两台服务器(服务器1、服务器2)
  • 每台服务器有两个RoCE网卡(服务器X网卡1、服务器X网卡2),每个网卡有两个网口(服务器X网卡1A、服务器X网卡1B、服务器X网卡2A、服务器X网卡2B)
  • VLAN 123-124 用于 NVMe over RoCE、VLAN 99 用于业务网

交换机A的VLAN 123(用于传输NVMe over RoCE、交换机B用VLAN 124(用于传输NVMe over RoCE。无论是控制器、交换机、网卡坏任意一个,甚至每类都任意坏一个,均不影响业务连续性

接口交换机链接VLANNVMe over RoCE IP

VMware ESXi 配置 NVMe over RoCE

NVMe over RoCE 的相关配置需要在 vCenter Server Client 下面操作,ESXi Host Client 下是没有相关选项的,至少图形界面是这样,用 esxicli 估计可以直接在 ESXi 下面配置。所以需要先用本地的盘部署一套VCSA,精简配置大约150GB就够了,等NVMe配置好再迁移到存储上。

  • 在配置-网络-RDMA 适配器下确认RDMA适配器(vmrdmaX)对应的物理网络适配器(vmnicX),可通过交换机 shutdown 等方法确认规划用于 NVMe 的端口对应的物理网络适配器名称。
    如 vmrdma0 对应 vmnic2、vmrdma3 对应 vmnic5。
  • 在配置-网络-虚拟交换机下添加网络,选择 VMkernel 网络适配器、选择新建标准交换机、输入MTU(Dorado 推荐5500),选择一个用于NVMe的物理网络适配器,VLAN ID 填写对应交换机的 NVMe over RoCE 用 VLAN,可用服务中仅勾选 NVMe over RDMA,配置静态IPv4地址。
  • 重复上述过程,为每个 NVMe 端口对应的物理网络适配器创建独立的虚拟交换机并配置独立的 VLAN、独立的 VMkernel 端口,实现每个 VMKernel 和物理网络适配器之间一一映射。
    如 vSwitch1 绑定物理网络适配器 vmnic2、VMkernel 端口 vmk1、VLAN ID  123;vSwitch2 绑定物理网络适配器 vmnic5、VMkernel 端口 vmk2、VLAN ID  124。
  • 在配置-存储-存储适配器-添加软件适配器,添加 NVMe over RDMA 适配器,选择对应的RDMA设备。重复该过程为每个 NVMe 的 RDMA适配器 添加 软件适配器。
    如为 vmrdma0 添加 vmhba64,为 vmrdma3 添加 vmhba65
  • 在配置-存储-存储适配器中,选中刚刚添加的vmhbaXX(VMware NVME over RDMA Storage Adapter),在控制器中添加控制器,填写子系统NQN(存储的NQN)、该网络对应VLAN下的存储IP,保持活动时间 Dorado 推荐5秒,重复此过程添加存储在该VLAN下的所有IP。
    如 vmhba64 添加有 四个控制器
  • 重复上述过程给剩下的 vmhbaXX 添加控制器。
    vmhba65 添加有 四个控制器
  • 复查所有访问路径 esxcli nvme fabrics connection list
  • 上述的每个控制器如果都可以访问同一个LUN,那么每一个都是一个多路径。7.0最多4条,8.0最多8条,8.0U1最多32条。
  • 最终结果如下表所示,8个路径 = 2个物理网络适配器 x 4个控制器
RDMA适配器VMkernel适配器VMkernel 适配器 IP物理适配器虚拟交换机VLAN存储适配器存储控制器 IP

NVMe over RoCE 网络配置

NVMe over RoCE 要求无损网络,因此交换机和主机网卡均需要一些配置来保证无损。

QoS标记采用PCP为例,PCP是在VLAN标签中标记优先级,所以流量必须在VLAN中,Dorado 不是所有的前端接口卡都支持DSCP。

  • 交换机启用PFC优先级3,1分钟发生死锁20次,关闭端口PFC
  • 交换机配置PFC死锁检测,检测时间1000ms,恢复时间1500ms
  • 交换机与存储和服务器链接用于NVMe over RoCE的所有端口配置PFC、VLAN和MTU
  • 两台交换机使用不同的VLAN,防止出现跨交换机的流量
  • 交换机在队列3启用AI-ECN并加载集中存储模型
  • 交换机启用LLDP(iNOF的基本要求)
  • 交换机启用简单的iNOF(默认域、无反射器)
dcb pfc nof
 priority 3 turn-off threshold 20
dcb pfc deadlock-detect timer 1000
dcb pfc deadlock-recovery timer 1500
interface 25GE1/0/1
 description Dorado-A
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 123
 stp edged-port enable
 dcb pfc enable nof mode manual
 jumboframe enable 5500
interface 25GE1/0/2
 description Dorado-A
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 123
 stp edged-port enable
 dcb pfc enable nof mode manual
 jumboframe enable 5500
interface 25GE1/0/3
 description Dorado-B
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 123
 stp edged-port enable
 dcb pfc enable nof mode manual
 jumboframe enable 5500
interface 25GE1/0/4
 description Dorado-B
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 123
 stp edged-port enable
 dcb pfc enable nof mode manual
 jumboframe enable 5500
interface 25GE1/0/9
 description Host-01
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 123
 stp edged-port enable
 dcb pfc enable nof mode manual
 jumboframe enable 5500
interface 25GE1/0/11
 description Host-02
 port link-type trunk
 port trunk allow-pass vlan 123
 stp edged-port enable
 dcb pfc enable nof mode manual
 jumboframe enable 5500
lldp enable
  ai-ecn enable
  assign queue 3 model ai_ecn_centralizedstorage
  • 为确保 RoCE 流量无损,在 ESXi 主机中将 PFC 优先级值配置为 3
[root@yaoge123:~] esxcli system module parameters set -m nmlx5_core -p "pfctx=0x08 pfcrx=0x08"
  • 重启后查看,pfctx和pfcrx值均为0x08
[root@yaoge123:~] esxcli system module parameters list -m nmlx5_core | grep pfc
pfcrx                int            0x08   Priority based Flow Control policy on RX.
   Notes: Must be equal to pfctx.
pfctx                int            0x08   Priority based Flow Control policy on TX.
   Notes: Must be equal to pfcrx.

ESXi 升级 Mellanox 网卡固件

NVMe over RoCE 对RoCE网卡的固件兼容性有较高要求

  • 打开ESXi的SSH并进入维护模式,远程登录ESXi主机
  • 用 esxcfg-nics -l 查看网卡列表,用 esxcli network nic get -n 查看网卡驱动和固件版本
[root@yaoge123:~] esxcfg-nics -l
Name    PCI          Driver      Link Speed      Duplex MAC Address       MTU    Description                   
vmnic0  0000:19:00.0 igbn        Up   1000Mbps   Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection
vmnic1  0000:19:00.1 igbn        Up   1000Mbps   Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Intel Corporation I350 Gigabit Network Connection
vmnic2  0000:8a:00.0 nmlx5_core  Up   25000Mbps  Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Mellanox Technologies ConnectX-5 EN NIC; 10/25GbE; dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; (MCX512A-ACU)
vmnic3  0000:8a:00.1 nmlx5_core  Up   25000Mbps  Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Mellanox Technologies ConnectX-5 EN NIC; 10/25GbE; dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; (MCX512A-ACU)
vmnic4  0000:8b:00.0 nmlx5_core  Up   25000Mbps  Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Mellanox Technologies ConnectX-5 EN NIC; 10/25GbE; dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; (MCX512A-ACU)
vmnic5  0000:8b:00.1 nmlx5_core  Up   25000Mbps  Full   **:**:**:**:**:** 1500   Mellanox Technologies ConnectX-5 EN NIC; 10/25GbE; dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; (MCX512A-ACU)
[root@yaoge123:~] esxcli network nic get -n vmnic2
   Advertised Auto Negotiation: true
   Advertised Link Modes: Auto, 1000BaseCX-SGMII/Full, 10000BaseKR/Full, 25000BaseTwinax/Full
   Auto Negotiation: true
   Backing DPUId: N/A
   Cable Type: FIBRE
   Current Message Level: -1
   Driver Info: 
         Bus Info: 0000:8a:00:0
         Driver: nmlx5_core
         Firmware Version: 16.32.1010
   Link Detected: true
   Link Status: Up 
   Name: vmnic2
   PHYAddress: 0
   Pause Autonegotiate: false
   Pause RX: true
   Pause TX: true
   Supported Ports: FIBRE, DA
   Supports Auto Negotiation: true
   Supports Pause: true
   Supports Wakeon: false
   Transceiver: internal
   Virtual Address: **:**:**:**:**:**
   Wakeon: None
  • VMware兼容性 搜索该网卡型号查询对应的驱动和固件版本
  • 下载 MFT,选择和ESXi版本匹配的安装包
  • 下载的Mellanox-MFT-Tools_*-package.zip解压,将解压出的.zip文件传至ESXi的/tmp,确认上传的.zip文件内根目录就有index.xml
  • 下载的Mellanox-NATIVE-NMST_*-package.zip解压,将解压出的.zip文件传至ESXi的/tmp,确认上传的.zip文件内根目录就有index.xml
  • 用 esxcli software component apply -d 安装上传的两个.zip,注意要写全路径
[root@yaoge123:/tmp] esxcli software component apply -d /tmp/ 
Installation Result
   Message: Operation finished successfully.
   Components Installed: Mellanox-MFT-Tools_4.26.1.101-1OEM.801.0.0.21495797
   Components Removed: 
   Components Skipped: 
   Reboot Required: false
   DPU Results: 
[root@yaoge123:/tmp] esxcli software component apply -d /tmp/ 
Installation Result
   Message: The update completed successfully, but the system needs to be rebooted for the changes to be effective.
   Components Installed: Mellanox-NATIVE-NMST_4.26.1.101-1OEM.801.0.0.21495797
   Components Removed: 
   Components Skipped: 
   Reboot Required: true
   DPU Results: 
  • 重启ESXi再打开SSH
  • 下载 Firmware ,查找对应网卡的兼容版本固件下载
  • 下载的fw-*.bin.zip解压,将解压出的.bin文件上传至ESXi的/tmp
  • 在/tmp下执行/opt/mellanox/bin/mlxfwmanager,会自动发现新固件文件,然后添加-u升级,如果已有的版本新要降级再加-f强制刷
[root@yaoge123:/tmp] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxfwmanager
Querying Mellanox devices firmware ...

Device #1:

  Device Type:      ConnectX5
  Part Number:      MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx
  Description:      ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
  PSID:             MT_0000000425
  PCI Device Name:  mt4119_pciconf0
  Base GUID:        ***
  Base MAC:         ***
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             16.32.1010     16.34.1002    
     PXE            3.6.0502       3.6.0700      
     UEFI           14.25.0017     14.27.0014    

  Status:           Update required

Device #2:

  Device Type:      ConnectX5
  Part Number:      MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx
  Description:      ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
  PSID:             MT_0000000425
  PCI Device Name:  mt4119_pciconf1
  Base GUID:        ***
  Base MAC:         ***
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             16.32.1010     16.34.1002    
     PXE            3.6.0502       3.6.0700      
     UEFI           14.25.0017     14.27.0014    

  Status:           Update required

Found 2 device(s) requiring firmware update. Please use -u flag to perform the update.

[root@yaoge123:/tmp] /opt/mellanox/bin/mlxfwmanager -u
Querying Mellanox devices firmware ...

Device #1:

  Device Type:      ConnectX5
  Part Number:      MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx
  Description:      ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
  PSID:             MT_0000000425
  PCI Device Name:  mt4119_pciconf0
  Base GUID:        ***
  Base MAC:         ***
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             16.32.1010     16.34.1002    
     PXE            3.6.0502       3.6.0700      
     UEFI           14.25.0017     14.27.0014    

  Status:           Update required

Device #2:

  Device Type:      ConnectX5
  Part Number:      MCX512A-ACU_Ax_Bx
  Description:      ConnectX-5 EN network interface card; 10/25GbE dual-port SFP28; PCIe3.0 x8; UEFI Enabled (x86/ARM)
  PSID:             MT_0000000425
  PCI Device Name:  mt4119_pciconf1
  Base GUID:        ***
  Base MAC:         ***
  Versions:         Current        Available     
     FW             16.32.1010     16.34.1002    
     PXE            3.6.0502       3.6.0700      
     UEFI           14.25.0017     14.27.0014    

  Status:           Update required

Found 2 device(s) requiring firmware update...

Perform FW update? [y/N]: y
Device #1: Updating FW ...     
Writing Boot image component -   OK                                                                                                                                                              Done
Device #2: Updating FW ...     
Writing Boot image component -   OK                                                                                                                                                              Done

Restart needed for updates to take effect.
  • 重启后再检查网卡的固件版本
[root@yaoge123:~] esxcli network nic get -n vmnic2
   Advertised Auto Negotiation: true
   Advertised Link Modes: Auto, 1000BaseCX-SGMII/Full, 10000BaseKR/Full, 25000BaseTwinax/Full
   Auto Negotiation: true
   Backing DPUId: N/A
   Cable Type: FIBRE
   Current Message Level: -1
   Driver Info: 
         Bus Info: 0000:8a:00:0
         Driver: nmlx5_core
         Firmware Version: 16.34.1002
   Link Detected: true
   Link Status: Up 
   Name: vmnic2
   PHYAddress: 0
   Pause Autonegotiate: false
   Pause RX: true
   Pause TX: true
   Supported Ports: FIBRE, DA
   Supports Auto Negotiation: true
   Supports Pause: true
   Supports Wakeon: false
   Transceiver: internal
   Virtual Address: **:**:**:**:**:**
   Wakeon: None